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Hach, Carl Max

* 02.10.1885, + 24.06.1968

Wein-Im- und Exporteur

Dear Johannes Brahms: My name is Paola Escobosa Hach and I saw your website waldesnacht.de, I'm from Culiacán Sinaloa, México, and I'm great grandaugther of Carl Max Hach son of Johann Andreas Hach and Nany wille. I saw you have a little genealogic tree with information about my family and one picture of Nany Wille and her family, so I want to know if you can help me to find information or pictures of Marie Louise (Mietze) Hach. Right now I'm working in a genealogic tree and I have contact with descendents of Otto and Julius Adolph Hach, they lived in USA, but I can't find information or relatives of Marie Louise (Mietze) Hach, she was married with Adolph Segnitz. So I appreciatte if you can help me to find more about my Hach family in Germany if you are interested. On facebook I have a group with all the Hach family descendents of Carl Max and Otto, if you have facebook we have lots of pictures of the family to share. I hope to hear from you soon. Wishing are doing ok, I'm sending my best regard. PAOLA ESCOBOSA HACH
o-o ...

Vater:Johannes Hach

Mutter:Nanny Wille





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